A Pregnancy Annoucement After Loss
I’m 7 weeks pregnant and ready to announce it to the world. I don’t know how long I’ll get to be pregnant. Of course I’m hoping this is only the beginning, but if it’s anything like the others, I’m more than halfway through.
I’ve lost two babies through miscarriage in the past year and a half. One at 8 weeks and one at 11 weeks. Ozzy and Rue.
As soon as we learned we were losing them, I felt an immense responsibility to remember. Every detail. Every memory. Every moment. We had so little to hold onto. So little time. No ultrasounds. No names, at the time. I only knew what it felt like to hold them in my body. To birth them. And our dreams of how we’d spend our time with them. Only a handful of people knew they existed. There were no pregnancy announcements or a collective celebration with our friends and acquaintances and even strangers.
Partly wanting to savor our news and partly following society’s (IMO) bogus rules on when to announce a pregnancy, people learned about our babies after they were gone– when it was sad, when they didn’t know what to say or if they should say anything at all.
Since then, I’ve made it my life’s work to talk about them and miscarriage because they all mattered. And our babies existed.
And here now at 7 weeks pregnant, I want everyone to know while this baby is here. And it doesn’t feel too early, even as someone who knows I could be more than halfway through this pregnancy. God, I hope not.
But even so, they exist. They’re here!! And we couldn’t be more excited to love on them and dream of what they’ll be like and all the things we’ll get to do together.
Some may say it’s “too soon.” I would say, it’s never too soon to celebrate and receive support. I have plenty of thoughts on this, but maybe for another time :)
Hi, my name is Siera. I’ve been married to Nolan for almost 10 years. And we, my friends, are now a family of five.
Cheers to our babies: Ozzy, Rue, and you. Whoever you are and whoever you’ll be.
Here’s to remembering our littles and inviting others to remember them with us.
All my love,
1 comment
Si & Nolan,
We are so happy for you and will continue to keep you lifted in prayer through this journey that life takes us on. We hold cousin Ozzy & Rue in our hearts dearly. We Praise the father for your courage and strength! Your story is beautiful and I absolutely love how you continue to bravely steward over it. We hope to visit with you someday in the near future. Thank you for showing us all what it means to never give up hope, trust God, & keep striving for all that belongs to you. You are blessed and highly favored my love.